10. Continuous Improvement and Systemwide Capacity Building
District collaborates with students and families to design, apply, and continuously improve transformative family engagement throughout the system.
INDICATOR 10.1 Include students and families in the development of surveys and other system investigation methods that will help to identify areas for improvement regarding district family engagement policies and practices.
INDICATOR 10.2 At a minimum, survey students and families annually about how they are experiencing the school system, including relationships with educators and staff members, and engagement in shared decision-making; include clear, accessible descriptions of the purpose of each survey.
INDICATOR 10.3 . Include students and families in monitoring, evaluating, and continuously improving district performance on transformative family engagement indicators.
INDICATOR 10.4 Partner with students, families, educators, and staff members to co-design and facilitate an annual assessment of transformative family engagement practices in the district.
INDICATOR 10.5 Establish transformative family engagement strategic planning and improvement teams in all schools; these teams should include students, families, educators, and staff members.
INDICATOR 10.6 Hire family engagement staff members (e.g. family liaisons, family engagement coordinators, community school managers) at all schools to support transformative family engagement implementation and improvement; hire central office family engagement staff members to provide technical assistance and support for transformative family engagement across the district.
INDICATOR 10.7 Align the LCAP and budget to prioritize, implement, and continuously improve transformative family engagement policies and practices.