2. Communication and Language Access
District ensures all students, families, schools, and central offices can communicate about student achievement and learning conditions in families’ preferred language and communication style.
INDICATOR 2.1. Provide infrastructure that enables two-way communication between schools or central offices and students and their families.
INDICATOR 2.2. Make dual-language interpretation and translation available at all schools, and include dual-language interpretation and translation in all school- and central office-based meetings that involve families.
INDICATOR 2.3. Provide materials, resources, and/or trainings for students and families that explain education terminology (e.g. acronyms or jargon); continuously update and translate materials that explain education terminology.
INDICATOR 2.4. Ensure all websites and other electronic communication tools have embedded translation technology.
INDICATOR 2.5. Provide accessible information that helps students and families understand how to file a complaint.