3. Student and Family Leadership
District invests in the development of student and family leaders to support family engagement in student learning and shared decision-making.
INDICATOR 3.1 Co-develop frameworks with students and families that communicate the importance of diverse, multi-lingual student and
family leadership in school systems, and the positive impact this has on student learning experiences, opportunities, and outcomes.
INDICATOR 3.2 Communicate and provide training for students and families on student and family rights.
INDICATOR 3.3 Provide learning opportunities that support students and families to partner with educators on the design, delivery, and improvement of student learning experiences and opportunities across various learning styles and modalities, from the home to the classroom.
INDICATOR 3.4. Establish ongoing student and family leadership development opportunities that support student and family leaders to
effectively and meaningfully serve on governing bodies (e.g. commissions, committees, school site councils).
INDICATOR 3.5 Recruit student and family leaders that are representative of the diverse student population served by the district, and establish leadership and governance roles that prioritize student and family voice in decision-making.
INDICATOR 3.6 Provide ongoing training for student and family leaders on diverse family structures and experiences; and training on transformative family engagement principles, conditions, and practices.
INDICATOR 3.7 Establish formal processes for filing complaints and engaging in resolution procedures when students and families are mistreated as leaders and decision-makers.