8. School, District and Community Professional Learning
District provides ongoing family engagement professional learning for all educators and staff members, and incorporates students and families into the design and delivery of educator and staff professional learning opportunities.
INDICATOR 8.1 Establish policies and practices for engaging students and families in the design and delivery of professional learning for educators and staff members; compensate families who provide professional learning services for educators and staff members, when applicable.
INDICATOR 8.2 Identify priority areas for educator and staff member professional learning, based on annual assessment of district family engagement capacity
INDICATOR 8.3 Provide professional learning for educators and staff members that builds professional capacity for shared decision making, cultural humility, and overall respect for the diverse cultures, languages, and traditions of the students and families they serve
INDICATOR 8.4 Provide annual training for educators and staff members on student and family rights.
INDICATOR 8.5 Provide language instruction for educators and staff members, based on school and community language demographics.
INDICATOR 8.6 Provide ongoing professional learning for educators and staff members on trauma, healing and resilience-informed teaching.
INDICATOR 8.7 Provide ongoing student and family engagement professional learning opportunities for school site- and central office-based family engagement staff members (e.g. family liaisons, family engagement coordinators, community school managers).