6. Services to Students and Families

District has a whole-child approach to education and incorporates students and families in the design, planning and evaluation of services provided to students and their families.

INDICATOR 6.1 Provide services to students and families that are responsive to various student and family backgrounds and circumstances, including, but not limited to, ethnicity, language preference, family structure, religion, physical and mental ability, documentation status, and socio-economic status.

INDICATOR 6.2 Partner with students and families to identify individualized learning needs, and to establish learning conditions that prioritize and support student-led learning, student interests and abilities, and individual student learning styles and needs.

INDICATOR 6.3 Partner with students and families to evaluate and improve the accessibility of resources and information in schools on student and family services.

INDICATOR 6.4 Support community school models that tend to the physical, mental, social-emotional, and economic health and wellbeing of students and their families.


5. Partnerships for Teaching and Learning


7. School-wide Social and Emotional Behavioral Development